Cloth Diapering Mom Annays Compares her experience using Kinder to Nora's Nursery Pocket Diapers

Cloth Diapering Mom Annays Compares her experience using Kinder to Nora's Nursery Pocket Diapers

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When I decided to make the switch to cloth diapers for my baby, I was very very intimidated. They’re so many different brands of cloth diapers and so many different style options out there, that it was overwhelming to say the least.

I chose to use cloth diapers originally because disposable diapers started to make my baby break out in a diaper rash on his bum after every use. We tried every different brand of disposable on the market but nothing worked to resolve the persistent diaper rashes.

I finally made the switch to Nora’s Nursery brand cloth diapers. This brand is affordable and the only one I had known of at the time. Nora's Nursery were pretty good to start, but after a while the Micro Suede material of the interior lining of the diaper would make my baby’s bum very tender and a perfect spot for a rash to start. 

I got tired of not being able to get it right that I almost gave up on using cloth diapers.

Then I did some research on TikTok. I saw multiple different brands talking about Cloth Diapers. But none of them stood out like Kinder Cloth Diapers.

I ordered a single diaper and insert from Kinder to try out before buying multiple, and risking Cloth Diapering not working out for us again. But I was instantly blown away by the quality of the inserts and the variety of insert options available at Kinder. 

At Kinder, we offer four different insert styles. Including Bamboo Terry, Hemp Cotton and a 6-Layer Insert that is a combination of our most popular Bamboo Terry and Hemp Cotton — a game changer for many Cloth Diapering families as their babies grow and require more absorbency between changes. 

My Nora's Nursery pocket diapers also did not have as many options for absorbency, so it was a contestant guessing game on whether it was the diaper adjustments or the insert that was causing leaks, so it was constant wet beds at our house. 

Nora's Nursery pocket style cloth diapers come with one Bamboo Polyester blend insert. Kinder Cloth Diapers are sold without inserts however, we offer a variety of different insert styles free of Microfiber. This means that our inserts are less prone to compression leaks and tend to work for families longer than the Bamboo Polyester style of insert. 

When I first ordered from Kinder, the Lightweight 4-Layer Bamboo Insert was enough absorbency for my baby. This insert was very absorbent and we never had any problems with it. Now after some time, I’ve had to order more of a variety of inserts for my baby. They’re all great, very absorbent and there's no hidden microfiber layers like the Nora's Nursery insert I had tried before. I never have to worry about my baby leaking or blowing out.

What sold me most was the lining of the diaper itself. 

The inside of the Kinder Pocket style Cloth Diaper is a jersey material that’s much more breathable and airy for my baby. It makes sure not to keep my baby’s bottom moist and wet which helps immensely with the constant rashes, which was my biggest concern.

Also a big bonus is the washability of the athletic wicking jersey material. It washes so great, it doesn’t stain as easily as other brands and with a little bit of sun they look as good as new!

Kinder Cloth diapers feature a lightweight, breathable athletic wicking jersey (AWJ) mesh lining where as Nora's Nursery's diapers are lined with a micro suede cloth. Both fabrics make for great cloth diaper linings. Read more about why we love AWJ » 

It was also more tedious to get a nice snug fit with my Nora's Nursery pocket diapers, since they do not have as many snaps and rises as Kinder.

The Kinder Pocket Diaper has multiple snaps and rises as well as a thick back elastic that make it so easy to get a good fit. I’m able to get a nice snug fit for my wiggly baby—no leaking from anywhere! The back waistband makes sure to get a nice closure so there is no leak onto the clothes out the back as well.

Kinder Cloth diapers has five different rise settings that allow for a more customized fit. Our diapers are designed to fit babies smaller and longer than most other One Size cloth diaper brands. Kinder Cloth Diapers fit most babies from 7-60 pounds. In contrast, Nora's Nursery advertises a fit range of 10-35 pounds.  

Kinder pocket diapers also feature a wide back elastic for extra blowout protection and a more comfortable fit along baby's back. 

The tummy panels were something I wasn’t sure of at first but now, I don’t know what I would do without them. They’re perfect for my chunky baby that likes to sleep on his belly and sides. It keeps my baby's tummy dry, as well as my linens. We haven’t had any issues with sleeping throughout the night or leaking from his waist where the tummy panel is.

Kinder Cloth Diapers feature a water resistant band of fabric on the inside of the diaper, along baby's tummy—called a tummy panel. Tummy panels are great at preventing moisture from wicking onto baby's clothing from the inside of the cloth diaper. Tummy panels are well loved by families with tummy sleepers. Nora's Nursery Pocket Diapers do not have Tummy Panels. 

Also the fun, cool patterns on Kinder Cloth Diapers are a huge added bonus me and the hubby are obsessed with them all! 

Interested in seeing a visual comparison? Check out this TikTok video comparing Kinder to Nora's Nursery. 

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