1 in 2 U.S. families struggles with diaper need

Babies without clean diapers are exposed to more potential health risks and are less likely accepted to daycares, leaving parents unable to attend work.

Learn more about Diaper Need
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Thank You

"I just wanted to send a quick message to thank you so much. We received some of your diapers from the diaper bank and even through we are still working out the kinks… the diapers have been working really great. It's so nice to have the same diapers that can fit both my 6 week old and 21 month old."

-Pittsburgh Mom of 2

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Organizations We Support


    Western PA Diaper Bank

    Keeping babies clean, healthy and dry is the heart of the Diaper Bank’s mission and it relies on its vast volunteer and partner agency relationships to serve its community. As part of the National Diaper Bank Network, the Diaper Bank adopted the partner distribution model, similar to a food bank model, joining forces with social service agencies, schools, libraries and churches to reach a diverse population of families who are experiencing diaper need. 

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    Salem Cloth Project

    Salem Cloth Project is a 501(c)3 Cloth Diaper Bank. Families or caregivers in Marion or Polk County, Oregon are eligible to receive a free cloth diaper kit for every child in diapers, in their care. Their goal is to provide a financially and environmentally sustainable diapering option for families.

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    The Trevor Project

    The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ young people. They provide information & support to LGBTQ 
young people 24/7, all year round.

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    The Cloth Option

    The mission of The Cloth Option is to advocate for and provide access to cloth diapers and other reusable hygiene products to reduce diaper need and protect our environment for future generations.

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Made it Possible

"Thank you once again! Your company's donation to the western pa diaper bank made it possible for us to even try cloth diapers, so thank you! I was hesitant to start because of the start up costs and you guys made it possible for me!"

- Pittsburgh Family